Mature Driver's Course
Save money with our simple, go at your own pace course.
How It Works
Upon registration, you may start this online class immediately. Simply read the easy-to-follow instructional content. It’s filled with colorful pictures, charts, and graphs that thoroughly explain the material. Finish the course at your own pace by signing in and out as you need to (at the end of each brief chapter), and complete the short review quizzes and final exam right on your computer. It couldn’t be any easier!After you pass the course, we’ll mail to you two copies of your Certificate of Completion: One is for your records, and the other must be presented to your insurer to claim your discount. You may also order a duplicate certificate.
The program is easy to navigate and a cinch to complete — even for those who don’t have a lot of experience with the Internet. And once your premium discount is applied, it automatically continues for three years!
California Mature Driver Improvement Course
An accident prevention course can save you big money on your auto insurance! California drivers age 55 and older can save money on their auto insurance simply by completing a mature driver improvement course. Insurers are mandated to reduce rates for three years, but the amount of the discount varies with each insurance provider; check with your agent for the details. However, with our low prices, the course is sure to pay for itself many times over!The low cost of either course is just $17.95! Simply click the button below to register online, or call the toll-free number to register by phone. It takes just a few minutes to sign up, and you can get started right away!